Careers and Placement Fair in UK

Organizer: Career Destinations

Where:  Southampton

When:  Tuesday 03 March at 11:00am to 3:00pm


This new Careers and Placements Fair replaces the Graduate Recruitment Fair (historically held in June) and will appeal to students who want to connect with graduate recruiters and local SMEs alike.

Students can use the Fair as an opportunity to find out more information from prospective employers and to investigate which career path they would like to follow.

More details at


MEPs call Council to step up actions to improve gender balance on company boards

Only 18.6% of board members of largest listed companies are women. That is clear sign that concrete measures need to be taken”,said the representative of incoming Latvian Presidency, Zanda Kalnina-Lukaševica in a debate with MEPs on women on company boards on Tuesday evening.“Major step on the road to effective gender equality need to be made and the adoption of women on board’s directive will be an important step on that road. This EU instrument is necessary”,stressed Commissioner Věra Jourová

Council role

During the debate several MEPs asked Council to advance talks on this dossier, which has been blocked in the Council since November 2013.

“The goal that we share can be reach by different routes. Policy makers have different views on approaches and tools to use, therefore no surprise if more time is needed to agree”, say in her speech Zanda Kalnina-Lukaševica.
However, she assured MEPs that they will work with the EP to reach an agreement.

“We now expect the German government to keep up the momentum and break down the minority in the Council which is still blocking a similar piece of EU legislation adopted by the European Parliament in November 2013. The European Parliament has played its part and now the ball is in the Council’s court. It is high time the law was used to ensure that all talents are used on the labour market,” said rapporteur of the European Parliament Evelyn Regner (S&D, AT)

More women on boards will boost economic recovery

“The Women on Boards directive is an ambitious but realistic proposal that stands to succeed. It will enable us to decisively widen the access of talented women to decision-making positions and to accelerate economic growth,” said Commissioner Jourová.

“Women represent 60% of graduates in the EU but their role in the labor market does not reflect this potential which is available. The objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy cannot be achieved without breaking the glass ceiling,” added rapporteur Mariya Gabriel (EPP, BG).


Parliament’s November 2013 resolution called on EU member states to ensure that listed companies take effective measures to guarantee equal access for both women and men to non-executive positions on boards so as to ensure that by 2020, at least 40% of non-executive directors’ positions are held by women. Qualification and merit remain the key criteria in a fair and transparent selection procedure. This draft was approved by Parliament in November 2013, but the Council of Ministers has yet to state a position on it.

#Genderbalance #womenonboards\

Université d’Hiver – Colloque « Femmes et Santé », 27-31 janvier 2015, Liège (BE)

L’Université d’hiver – Colloque « Femmes et Santé » est organisée par le groupe « Femmes, Enseignement, Recherche à l’Université de Liège » (FERULg), dont les activités portent à la fois sur l’enseignement et la recherche en « Études femmes, études de genre ».

Centre de réflexion rassemblant des chercheurs d’un grand nombre de disciplines, depuis plus de dix ans, le FERULg s’efforce notamment de susciter et d’organiser les recherches collectives dans ce domaine. Depuis quelques années, les conférences, journées d’étude et autres colloques prolifèrent, ciblant tantôt le thème du harcèlement, de la violence, voire du viol, tantôt celui de la prostitution, des Eros centers, ou encore ceux de la contraception, de l’avortement, de la procréation assistée… Les mentalités et droits acquis se modifient, les manifestations se succèdent…

Ce colloque souhaite analyser les lignes de force qui se dégagent de ces événements et de leurs enjeux, tant du côté des patientes que de ceux des praticien(ne)s : profils historique et sociologique, approche éthique, données techniques, recherches récentes…

Cette fois encore, le FERULg souhaite contribuer à l’enseignement, la réflexion et la vulgarisation des thématiques de la rencontre scientifique en doublant le colloque d’une Université d’hiver, au cours de laquelle les étudiants, doctorants, associations et toutes les personnes intéressées seront en contact avec des chercheurs et spécialistes chevronnés. Rejoignez-nous du 27 au 31 janvier 2015 à Liège, Belgique

Fundamental rights and violence in Africa: what is Europe? (Brussels, 9 December)

Wednesday, November 26, the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, awarded the Sakharov Prize for freedom of spirit Congolese doctor Denis MUKWEGE, renowned for its specialist care for women victims of mass rape perpetrated by armed groups in a area where thousands of women are tortured every year.

In this context, the Bureau of the European Parliament of Belgium and Information “Eyes on Europe” organize a Conference-debate on the theme: “Fundamental rights and violence in Africa: what is Europe” This event will take place Thursday, December 11, 2014 from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the ULB (Solbosch) in UD2.218A audience Avenue Paul Heger, 1050 Ixelles.

Read More:

High level conference “Non-discrimination and Equality : Shaping the future of equality policies in the EU” (Rome, 6-7 November 2014)

High level conference “Non-discrimination and Equality : Shaping the future of equality policies in the EU” (Rome, 6-7 November 2014)

Event Date: 6-7th November 2014
Location: Rome
The Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission are jointly organising this High level event to stress the importance of Equality policies in the European Union.

High Level representatives of governments from the EU Member States and key stakeholders are invited to discuss and identify current challenges and future paths to make Equality a reality for all.

The event also aims to promote equal rights and equal opportunities for all in the EU, and to share knowledge and experiences in order to develop policies and more effective ways of counteracting all forms of discrimination and fighting stereotypes.

The event brings together around 200 high-level delegates working on Equality issues (governments, NGOs, social partners, media, academics, independent experts, etc.) from EU Member States and acceding countries.

To know more-

Symposium “Promoting equality : towards a secured and inclusive collection of “equality data” in Europe”, ENAR (Brussels, 26 November 2014)

Symposium “Promoting equality : towards a secured and inclusive collection of “equality data” in Europe”, ENAR (Brussels, 26 November 2014)

Event Date: 26th November 2014
Location: Brussels
ENAR, the Open Society Foundations (OSF) and the Migration Policy Group (MPG) are organising a symposium entitled “Promoting Equality : towards a secured and inclusive collection of equality data in Europe” on 26 November in Brussels.

To know more-